Engr. Balázs Szaradics (BSc.) - This is me
My passions include working on complex projects and presenting to clients and team members alike. I excel at foreseeing problems and coordinating the project’s aid with previous work experiences.
To Be Honest About What I’m Proud Of

I began my working career at MEEX and SZiGET, with the initial responsibility of online marketing tasks. It was during this time that I decided to focus on the online world. Five years and many successful projects later, I landed a team leader role, heading a team of ten people.

My dream was to get an unrealistic idea, work on it and sell it. I started alone, without any kind of professional knowledge what so ever. But I found someone who believed in it, who were able to pay for it, and who will be in the future work on it. Simple things are making me happy. Just like this dream.

Without solid German knowledge I came to Germany and worked for BOSCH. I’ve learned English on YouTube, went to the US for 8 Months, studied at the University of Cincinnati, finished a semester with full of A grades. I lived 2 Months in Asia. I did a road trip in Africa without any longer plans than a day for more than two weeks.
Work Experience

Online Marketing Leader

BOSCH Security Systems
Marketing E-Communications
Product Engineering

Atikon EDV & Marketing
Project Manager

Dice Consulting & Development

Óbuda University
Bachelor degree
Technical Management

Furtwangen University
Study Abroad for A Year
Product Engineering

Johannes Kepler Universität
Master study
Web Science

University of Cincinnati
Study Abroad for A Semester
Lindner College of Business

Google Ads
Certified Professional

Link Research Tools
Certified Associate

Summer School Participant

Team Leader


Forum Creative Industries
Workshop participant
Personal statement

I tried many things in life already and I’m always up for a challenge. Seeking new goals and new areas of life. I worked alone and I worked for the largest employers. I always found my place where I’ll be the most efficient.
I like to work with people, I love “The Peoples Business” and I eat, breathe, and sleep the profession called selling. I love to listen and find areas, products or services where I could help.
I do believe in lifelong learning, I do believe in people, I do believe in good attitude.
I survived many crises throughout my life, where I’ve learned so much. Travelling is my favorite hobby because while I travel I could understand the people and cultures so much better.
Yes I do have my own car, and I do love driving
Road trips:
All across Europe
Taipei – Kaohsiung (Taiwan)
New York – Chicago – San Francisco – Los Angeles (USA)
Kanada (Toronto – Vancouver)
Morocco (Marrakech – Merzouga – Agadir)
Bonus-penalty system:
Zero penalties, highest bonus level in Austria, No rental car damages
AT / MT / 4WD since 2007